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Bright Sparks Pre-school
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Bright Sparks Pre-school
WhatsApp Image 2024-12-30 at 20.52.46_f48dba36
Bright Sparks Pre-school

Reading & Phonics

Reading and Core Books

At Bright Sparks Pre-School we are committed to instilling a love of books, rhymes and stories in all of our children. We know reading is essential for success in all areas of the curriculum and that children who develop good early reading skills are far more likely to become successful, fluent readers who will succeed in all areas of future learning. We aim to enrich and expand children’s vocabulary with a language rich environment not only through engagement in high quality books but by modelling language during shared interactions and encouraging children to develop their imaginative skills to retell and act out stories that are familiar to them.

We have a wide range of books available in all areas of the Pre-school for children to enjoy and each classroom has a book area, where children are able to sit with each other or an adult and share a story on a large comfortable sofa.

As a staff, we have chosen a ‘core book’ list, to further support the children in their reading development. Our core books have been chosen for their simple repetitive text and high-quality illustrations to capture the children’s attention, so that the experience of reading quickly becomes interactive and the children begin to learn the story as they share the book.

Core Book List for Toddler Room

That’s not my unicorn

Going on a bear hunt

Get out of my bath

Gingerbread man Mrs Honey

Core Book List for Pre-School Room

The Gruffalo

Room on the broom

Hands surprise

Goldilocks and the three bears

Hungry caterpillar

We have also selected a range of ‘core rhymes’ that we will be frequently sharing with children in the setting.

Toddler Core Rhyme List

Grandma’s glasses

Dingle dangle scarecrow

Finger song

Twinkle Twinkle little star

Five little ducks

Pre-School Core Rhymes List

Wheels on the bus

10 little speckle frogs

10 current buns

Head shoulders knees toes

Tiny Tim Turtle